These are set and enforced by the moderators.
Be respectful: Do not harass, demean, insult, or otherwise intentionally cause harm to other users.
Do not discriminate against anyone on the basis of disability, gender, race, ethnicity, religious affiliation (or those who aren’t religious at all),, age, or appearance.
Do not harass anyone on local or federated servers.
Please use content warnings for posts that might be controversial, such as discussing politics or religion, or for NSFW content. If you’re not sure, your best bet is to use a content warning just to be safe.
Do not spread misinformation, disinformation, or malinformation.
Do not post content that would violate copyright laws.
Please describe all of your media posts so everyone can enjoy them. This includes writing alt text for images, and descriptions for audio and video files.
We place a high value on human interaction. Please do not use your account on this instance to only crosspost from other social media platforms.
Do you own a business, run a podcast, produce music, etc? We highly encourage self-promotion, as long as it does not include spamming other users, promoting fraudulent or illegal activity, such as crypto currency schemes, or sending unsolicited messages.
If you have read and understood these rules, please include the word “ability” in the “reason for joining” field of your application.